3 Ways to Improve Yogi Squat

3 Ways to Improve Yogi Squat

You can’t read about the yogi squat without reading what a great functional exercise it is, and how it should be a stable in your exercise list. This is all true, but it also an exercise which for many women requires prep work first. It is also an exercise which may...
Getting Your Steps in When You Work From Home

Getting Your Steps in When You Work From Home

Getting your steps in when you work from home, changes when the season changes. 10,000 steps is general guidance, but you may do more or less depending on your circumstances My walking priority after October is sunshine. I live in Scotland and we have short days over...
3 Ways to improve Savasana

3 Ways to improve Savasana

Savanna is the last pose in a yoga class and often described as the most difficult! This post has 3 ways to help improve Savasana. As with any exercise, it’s important to know why you are doing it. This is personal to you and hopefully more than ‘I was told too!’...
Too Young for Post-Menopause?

Too Young for Post-Menopause?

I was speaking to a lovely lady last week, and we started chatting about the menopause as you do. She thought I was too young to be post-menopause. Which sounds like a compliment, but I think we need to normalise the fact that the menopause is not about age or getting...
9 Reasons to Track Your Exercise Habits

9 Reasons to Track Your Exercise Habits

9 Reasons to Track Your exercise Habits When you are exercising in your fifties, it can feel like starting from at the beginning again. How you exercised before the menopause is not how you are exercising now Figuring out what you like and also what likes you!...
Plantar Fasciitis and Menopause

Plantar Fasciitis and Menopause

Many women complain of Plantar Fasciitis during the menopause. There isn’t a lot of medical evidence as to why it happens apart from the catch all ‘lowering estrogen levels’ Which is a bit frustrating so let’s look at the non-medical ways as how you can avoid Plantar...
My Favourite Books 2020

My Favourite Books 2020

This year I read over 100 books. The vast majority I loved and have listed some of my favourite books below. I love reading about other peoples favourites, so I hope you enjoy mine! I loved The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer (author of Twilight books). A contemporary...
Working from Home Selfcare Tracker

Working from Home Selfcare Tracker

For many of us working from home, rather than in an office sounds fab, but can be quite a challenge to keep boundaries between the two. The distinction between on and offline gets blurred. Taking the time to work out how to stay active and keep healthy can be a...
Quitting for Success

Quitting for Success

Quitting is often thought to be a bad thing. But it gives you some fabulous information and insights to help you do it differently and be successful next time around. There are 7 billion people on the planet and therefore 7 billion ways to be healthy. We mistakenly...
3 Ways to Improve Your Push Ups

3 Ways to Improve Your Push Ups

3 Ways to Improve Your Push Ups Love them or hate them, push-ups are a consistent part of any gym routine. Therefore improving your push ups is a constant part of your gym routine. For 3 ways to improve your push ups I am assuming that you currently exercise. You are...
Exercising at Home & Staying Active

Exercising at Home & Staying Active

We all know how important it is to exercise and stay active. We now have an opportunity to try a new way of exercising and keeping active at home during lockdown or social distancing.   Things to think about over the next few weeks: Doing something is better than...
Menopause: Are You Ready?

Menopause: Are You Ready?

Are you ready? It’s coming. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But it’s coming. Are you going to wait until it whacks you over the head or are you going to patiently wait and invite her in when she arrives?   A Letter to My Menopause Hello Welcome. I’ve been...
Tips for Exercising at Home

Tips for Exercising at Home

Exercising at home is a great option during the menopause. I have nine top tips for you to get the most out of your workout sessions. 1. Be organised Ideally you would want to treat your workouts at home in the same way as you would treat going to a class or a session...
Rediscover YOU in the menopause

Rediscover YOU in the menopause

Rediscover YOU in the menopause The menopause is not just physical changes, it can change how we feel about ourselves too. I have some practical tips to feel like your old self again! Click to watch the video below which is 35 mins...
How Journaling Can Improve Menopause Symptoms

How Journaling Can Improve Menopause Symptoms

How a Journal Can Improve Menopause Symptoms It’s easy just to concentrate on the physical aspects of the menopause, but we ‘feel a lot of feeling’ during the menopause which we often stuff down rather than process. Personally I think its how the physical...
Prepare for the Menopause

Prepare for the Menopause

Preparing for the Menopause How do you prepare for the menopause? We have gone from having very little information about the menopause to information overload. While it’s great to have so much information, it’s hard to sift through it to find out the...
Healthy Eating Challenge

Healthy Eating Challenge

There are 5 challenges in this year’s healthy eating week from British Nutrition Foundation. What I love about them, is that there is nothing new or exotic about them. There is nothing extra to buy for you to buy and you will have heard off all of them before! Because...
Natural Ways to Reduce Menopause Symptoms

Natural Ways to Reduce Menopause Symptoms

Natural Ways to Reduce Menopause Symptoms We are often so busy looking after other people, running our homes, working long hours that taking care of ourselves is at the bottom of the list. The menopause can appear like an uninvited guest when you don’t have the...
Menogise: Minimising Menopause Malarkey

Menogise: Minimising Menopause Malarkey

Looking around at the fitness classes that are available to me approaching 50, there appears to be a big jump from standard classes to silver surfer classes with not much in between. So, I have created a class that I would like to attend! Menogise is a class for women...
Becoming 50

Becoming 50

This year (2019) I will be fifty. Half a century. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a big birthday. I choose to see it as a halfway point, I plan to live into my hundreds! Personally I don’t think it’s by accident that such a big birthday happens...
Yoga and Menopause

Yoga and Menopause

 Yoga and Menopause I love yoga, but there are also many things that I don’t like about yoga. Like many people I took my first yoga class at my gym over a decade ago to stretch and to increase my flexibility. In 2017 I completed my yoga teacher training which I have...
How To Exercise When You Have No Energy

How To Exercise When You Have No Energy

This week saw another study which confirmed exercise is good for your health. Inactivity and sitting in particular causes a raft of diseases. We all know the benefits of exercise but when you are approaching the menopause your energy levels can plummet due to hormonal...
Stages Of The Menopause

Stages Of The Menopause

Every woman knows she will be menopausal. However, it always happens when we are way to young to be menopausal and at not a very convenient time. As with many things in life that we do not choose, the only thing left is to choose our attitude towards the menopause and...