Working Out How to Workout V5.0
Musing on “No Pain No Gain” inspiration quote for over 50s. Post menopause fitness usually means exercise differently and that includes your mindset. Is this quote inspiring for you today, with your exercise goals or not! Working out how to workout V5.0 is...
Working Out How to Workout V5.0
A big part of exercising post-menopause is the shift in mindset in the way you exercise (IMHO!) Today’s videos is a musing on the quote “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Sometime...
Working Out How to Workout V5.0
I was speaking to a lovely lady last week, and we started chatting about the menopause as you do. She thought I was too young to be post-menopause. Which sounds like a compliment, but I think we need to normalise the fact that the menopause is not about age or getting...
Musings, Working Out How to Workout V5.0
Wednesday 28th April 2021 The gym opened on Monday so today was my first session back this year. I had a very loose session planned as I wasn’t sure how busy it would be and what kit would be available. It was a bit busier than I expected but I got a basic weight...
3 ways to improve, Exercise, Walking Series
Your ankles and feet are often the most neglected part of the body when it comes to exercising. When they are tight, they can have a big impact on your range of movement. Limited ankle mobility can cause you to plateau on exercises such as squats or chair pose in...
Exercise, Work Life Balance
Quitting is often thought to be a bad thing. But it gives you some fabulous information and insights to help you do it differently and be successful next time around. There are 7 billion people on the planet and therefore 7 billion ways to be healthy. We mistakenly...
3 ways to improve, Exercise, Push Ups
3 Ways to Improve Your Push Ups Love them or hate them, push-ups are a consistent part of any gym routine. Therefore improving your push ups is a constant part of your gym routine. For 3 ways to improve your push ups I am assuming that you currently exercise. You are...
Hormones, Work Life Balance
Are you ready? It’s coming. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But it’s coming. Are you going to wait until it whacks you over the head or are you going to patiently wait and invite her in when she arrives? A Letter to My Menopause Hello Welcome. I’ve been...
Exercise, Work Life Balance
Exercising at home is a great option during the menopause. I have nine top tips for you to get the most out of your workout sessions. 1. Be organised Ideally you would want to treat your workouts at home in the same way as you would treat going to a class or a session...
Hormones, Work Life Balance
Preparing for the Menopause How do you prepare for the menopause? We have gone from having very little information about the menopause to information overload. While it’s great to have so much information, it’s hard to sift through it to find out the...
Ageing Well, Pilates, Yoga
Looking around at the fitness classes that are available to me approaching 50, there appears to be a big jump from standard classes to silver surfer classes with not much in between. So, I have created a class that I would like to attend! Menogise is a class for women...
Health, Musings, Work Life Balance
This year (2019) I will be fifty. Half a century. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a big birthday. I choose to see it as a halfway point, I plan to live into my hundreds! Personally I don’t think it’s by accident that such a big birthday happens...
Exercise, Mindset, Start Here
Exercise goals not weight loss or running Goals are a great way to keep exercise interesting and to keep you motivated. Running or losing weight seem to be the most common goals. During the menopause, you may find you have to find a different way of exercising as you...
Exercise, Work Life Balance
Starting to exercise again is not just about how you are going to exercise. It is also about finding the time and creating an exercise habit. I think there are two approaches to exercising, it’s either flexibility or fixed. Finding or Making Time Neither is better...