Health, Health Calculator
The Body Mass Index (BMI) used to be the gold standard health assessment tool. Few use it these days as it says nothing about your body composition. Which means it doesn’t take into account your muscle/fat ratio. We have much easier access to accurate information...
Health, Musings, Work Life Balance
This year (2019) I will be fifty. Half a century. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a big birthday. I choose to see it as a halfway point, I plan to live into my hundreds! Personally I don’t think it’s by accident that such a big birthday happens...
Exercise, Food, Health, Hormones, introvert, Mindset, Work Life Balance
My “go to” book when clients are stuck. Lot’s of aha moments when reading it. If you don’t know where to start with mantra’s there are plenty of examples here! The best introduction and explanation of Law of Attraction in a novel. Fallen...
Health, Self-care, Start Here, Work Life Balance
Menopause Tips Why 51 Tips? There are 51 menopause tips as 51 is the average age of the menopause! The menopause happens to every women, we don’t know when exactly, but it’s usually when you are too young and too busy to deal with it! The menopause is more...
introvert, Self-care, Work Life Balance
Is your self-care to do list stressing you out? I set myself a deadline for complete the paperwork for my Yoga Teacher Training. It was more work than I thought and instead of extending the deadline, I worked harder, to the point where I stopped regular self-care...