Waist to Hip ratio (WTH)

Waist to Hip ratio (WTH)

How much you weigh is usually how you measure how healthy you are. Until you are menopausal and then your waistline expands! It suddenly  comes under  scrutiny. The waist to hip ratio is an important guide for women’s health, as it measure where you store any...
Period Tracker

Period Tracker

Let’s start with an overview of a ‘normal’ menstrual cycle: Your menstrual cycle averages 28 days. The 4 weeks are split in the middle by day 14 which is when you ovulate. Day 1 is when your period starts. The first two weeks are called the...
Exercise Heart Rate Zones

Exercise Heart Rate Zones

Basal Metabolic Rate: Harris Benedict by Samantha Valand | Sep 12, 2016 | Health CalculatorThe Harris Benedict method calculates how many calories you need – Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using your age as well as weight and height. Waist to Hip ratio (WTH) by...