Exercise Consistency And The Menopause

Exercise Consistency And The Menopause

If you have read my book The Menopause Diaries, you will know I talk about how the menopause affects exercising. My biggest challenge is exercising consistently as my energy levels fluctuate. I have a good run of consistency then something changes. This is par for the...
Menstrual Cycle Tracker (MCT)

Menstrual Cycle Tracker (MCT)

Most of my trackers use the Menstrual Cycle Tracker (MCT) code. It looks like Morse code, but it’s just a simple way of indicating on your trackers where in your cycle you are. Each – represents a week, there are four – to represent four weeks. Split...
Health And Wellbeing Contradictions

Health And Wellbeing Contradictions

There is a ton of advice on health and wellbeing. It often feel contradictory and finding a balance can feel like a fulltime job. Here are a few ideas of how to navigate them! Automatic vs mindful We make thousands of decisions a day. We are encouraged to be mindful...
99 Wellbeing Tips for Wise Women

99 Wellbeing Tips for Wise Women

99 wellbeing tips to give you a wee bit of inspiration to blossom through your menopause. Eat protein at every meal and with any snacks. Feel fuller for longer. You cannot ‘work hard’ to balance your hormones. It happens when you sleep well, eat good food...
Eating Out And The Menopause-PizzaExpress

Eating Out And The Menopause-PizzaExpress

Eating out can feel like a minefield in your menopausal years as we are usually watching our waistline as well as our weight. It may sound like it is the same thing but in your menopausal years it is different. We can become sensitive to stress and carbs through the...