Holidays and the Menopause

Holidays and the Menopause

Preparing for holidays Getting ready for holidays can feel like a mammoth task in itself. A never ending to-do list with more adding in that being taken off, or so it feels like. Sometimes it’s work related, but many of the tasks are nice to haves. It’s a good time to...
Why is Pilates Good For You?

Why is Pilates Good For You?

 What is Pilates good for? Pilates is a core strengthening exercise programme. However, there is more to Pilates than just abs exercises. Your core is a group of muscles that wrap around your torso like an old-style corset. However it is often better to think of your...
3 ways to improve your Downward Dog

3 ways to improve your Downward Dog

Downward Dog is one of my favorite poses in yoga. Mainly because it is so versatile. It is a deep stretch up the backline of the body and can also be used to strengthen to your upper body. It can be performed during the warmup part of your yoga practice as well as a...
Is it time to take your menopause seriously?

Is it time to take your menopause seriously?

The menopause is a phase, and that phase has many phases within. Some you will breeze through barely noticing and others will feel like walking thru mud with wellies on. The truth is we are all busy women, and we often don’t have a lot of time for looking after...
Why is it so hard to lose weight over 40?

Why is it so hard to lose weight over 40?

Once upon a time, you were able to skip lunch for a few days and easily fit into your Friday night dress. Why is it so hard now? Well, a lot has probably changed since then. You may have more responsibilities now. If you think back then, it was probably quite a...