introvert, Self-care, Work Life Balance
Is your self-care to do list stressing you out? I set myself a deadline for complete the paperwork for my Yoga Teacher Training. It was more work than I thought and instead of extending the deadline, I worked harder, to the point where I stopped regular self-care...
Musings, Work Life Balance
This blog started as a quarterly, then as birthday musings and finally an end of year blog. This perfectly sums up the last 6 months for me. It has been a funny old year; it has not been a bad one. The last 6 month in particular since the August eclipse have had such...
Ageing Well, Hormones, Yoga
In the last decade of teaching Pilates I have always said that I would never teach Yoga. So, you won’t be surprised from the title when I say I have booked into a Hatha yoga course! Why now? I have been researching ageing well for the last year and discovered the...