Prepare for the Menopause

Prepare for the Menopause

Preparing for the Menopause How do you prepare for the menopause? We have gone from having very little information about the menopause to information overload. While it’s great to have so much information, it’s hard to sift through it to find out the...
Healthy Eating Challenge

Healthy Eating Challenge

There are 5 challenges in this year’s healthy eating week from British Nutrition Foundation. What I love about them, is that there is nothing new or exotic about them. There is nothing extra to buy for you to buy and you will have heard off all of them before! Because...
Natural Ways to Reduce Menopause Symptoms

Natural Ways to Reduce Menopause Symptoms

Natural Ways to Reduce Menopause Symptoms We are often so busy looking after other people, running our homes, working long hours that taking care of ourselves is at the bottom of the list. The menopause can appear like an uninvited guest when you don’t have the...
Menogise: Minimising Menopause Malarkey

Menogise: Minimising Menopause Malarkey

Looking around at the fitness classes that are available to me approaching 50, there appears to be a big jump from standard classes to silver surfer classes with not much in between. So, I have created a class that I would like to attend! Menogise is a class for women...
Becoming 50

Becoming 50

This year (2019) I will be fifty. Half a century. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a big birthday. I choose to see it as a halfway point, I plan to live into my hundreds! Personally I don’t think it’s by accident that such a big birthday happens...