Is your self-care to-do list stressing you out?

Is your self-care to-do list stressing you out?

When I set myself a deadline for complete the paperwork for my Yoga Teacher Training. It was more work than I thought. Instead of extending the deadline, I worked harder, to the point where I stopped my regular self-care habits to fit it in. I’m sure you have done...
Lunch Hour?

Lunch Hour?

When I started working over 25 years ago, (eek) a lunch hour was not only an hour, but was respected by team members. No one interrupted you unless it was a real emergency. Fast forward to today and lunch hours are quite different. It is not often an hour....


Grit I have been reading Grit by Angela Duckworth. Working in the fitness industry for over a decade has made me curious about why some people give up and why some people show up day in and day out. The book is not fitness specific, and discusses grit or resilience...
Perfect Posture

Perfect Posture

Everyday life has a big impact on our posture. One of the simplest daily self-care habits you can develop is an awareness of your posture doing different tasks throughout the day. When you are standing waiting in a queue. When you are working. When you on using your...