The balancing act of enjoying food, while watching your waistline is a challenging task in your menopausal years. It is also one that I would rather not spend too much time thinking about and considering. This means I have made decisions about certain foods and drink,...
I’m a huge advocate of finding a diet that works for you and sticking with. That often takes time and a wee bit trial and error. Below are my top 5 weight loss mistakes that most women do at some point, myself included! 1) Following the crowd Starting the latest diet...
Food, Mindset
Are you still wearing flares? Probably not! However the beliefs and values you have around food which were created when you were a child have probably stayed with you. The big one I remember from childhood was to clear your plate as ‘there are children starving’. I...
Yes I’m teasing, we all know carrot cake comes under the treat section rather than healthy even if they do include a vegetable! It is often difficult to find healthy meals when you are eating out. I’m sure we have all picked something from the menu that we thought was...
Food, Holiday, Hormones
Returning from a lovely week relaxing in Spain you might not be surprised to hear that my jeans felt a wee bit tight. However they were not tighter around my waist they were tighter around my thighs. Which got me to thinking, what was different in the last week? Even...
Food, Holiday
When travelling chips or salad are often the staple side options. Most people will comment I’m going to be good and have salad or I’m going to be bad and have chips. Or I’m going to treat myself and have chips. I find both a negative way to approach food. To start off...
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