She Protects Her Peace

She Protects Her Peace

Now and again, a quote jumps out at me and makes me stop and think. “She protects her peace” was a quote that did that last week. We often do not protect things that are important to our own wellbeing and we allow ourselves to be talked out of things if it doesn’t...
Chips Or Salad?

Chips Or Salad?

When travelling chips or salad are often the staple side options. Most people will comment I’m going to be good and have salad or I’m going to be bad and have chips. Or I’m going to treat myself and have chips. I find both a negative way to approach food. To start off...
I’m Too Busy To Count Calories

I’m Too Busy To Count Calories

“I’m too busy to count calories, I eat healthily I don’t know why I’m overweight” I should no longer be surprised when I hear this statement. (I hear it often!). At some point you may have decided if you eat healthy natural foods rather than junk foods you should not...
Fitbit Tracker Review Part 2

Fitbit Tracker Review Part 2

I have been using a health watch called Fitbit Charge for almost 10 months. I bought it as I was interested in tracking my daily steps and sleep monitoring. You can read my initial thoughts on it !here It syncs easily to my iPad using Bluetooth and a WiFi connection....
Fitbit Tracker Review Part 1

Fitbit Tracker Review Part 1

I recently bought myself a Fitbit Charge which is an activity and sleep tracker. I have been researching for a few months and was thinking about waiting for Apple’s watch, but my technical advisor (aka my husband) advised waiting for the next generation of the Apple...