Basal Metabolic Rate: Harris Benedict

Basal Metabolic Rate: Harris Benedict

The Harris Benedict method calculates your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using your age as well as weight and height. This is useful for insight as to how many calories we need to think about reducing as we get older. In the UK we are told that the ‘average’ women needs...

The Menopause Diaries: Food resources

The below external links are background information to my book The Menopause Diaries. PDF: Food Standards Agency – Balance of Good Health Web link: Fruit and veggies colour list PDF link: 5 a day portion guide Web link: Glycemic Index Blog link: Carbs, Fiber and...

The Menopause Diaries: Health resources

The below external links are background information to heath sections of my book The Menopause Diaries. Heart health Web link: Healthy eating for your heart Web link: Heart health and the menopause Web link: High cholesterol Web link: NHS Cholesterol Web link: High...

The Menopause Diaries: Hormone resources

Web link: NHS Menopause Web link: Women’s Health Concern The Menopause Web link: NICE Menopause: diagnosis and management (2015) Web link: That time of the month? Disclaimer: The external links are background information to my book The Menopause Diaries. I do not have...