Just For You!

Just For You!

When was the last time you did something ‘just for you’? We often think it is OK to run ourselves down in order to look after others or for the work grind. We cannot show our best selves to the world when we are tired all the time, and grumpy with menopausal symptoms....
Salt And The Menopause

Salt And The Menopause

Salt And The Menopause Salt makes our food taste better, but too much of it is bad for our health. Monitoring our salt intake is one of the simplest things we can do to be healthy, especially during the menopause. We are aiming for a maximum of 6 grams per day. There...
3 Things To Pop On Your Desk Every Morning

3 Things To Pop On Your Desk Every Morning

Most of us spend a third of our day at our desk. In our pursuit of healthy living, we often need to take the mountain to Muhammad rather than the other way around. I have 3 things to pop onto your desk every day: Timer I use a timer for two reasons. The first is to...
6 Things To Do When You Are Feeling Rubbish

6 Things To Do When You Are Feeling Rubbish

The menopause has many symptoms but we can often just feel rubbish – and yes, that is a technical term! We can feel uncomfortable in our bodies; due to menopausal symptoms that are unpleasant, perhaps not the shape we want to be in or fitness levels we want, or just...