3 Ways to improve Savasana

3 Ways to improve Savasana

Savanna is the last pose in a yoga class and often described as the most difficult! This post has 3 ways to help improve Savasana. As with any exercise, it’s important to know why you are doing it. This is personal to you and hopefully more than ‘I was told too!’...
Too Young for Post-Menopause?

Too Young for Post-Menopause?

I was speaking to a lovely lady last week, and we started chatting about the menopause as you do. She thought I was too young to be post-menopause. Which sounds like a compliment, but I think we need to normalise the fact that the menopause is not about age or getting...
9 Reasons to Track Your Exercise Habits

9 Reasons to Track Your Exercise Habits

9 Reasons to Track Your exercise Habits When you are exercising in your fifties, it can feel like starting from at the beginning again. How you exercised before the menopause is not how you are exercising now Figuring out what you like and also what likes you!...
Plantar Fasciitis and Menopause

Plantar Fasciitis and Menopause

Many women complain of Plantar Fasciitis during the menopause. There isn’t a lot of medical evidence as to why it happens apart from the catch all ‘lowering estrogen levels’ Which is a bit frustrating so let’s look at the non-medical ways as how you can avoid Plantar...