3 ways to improve, Pilates, Work Life Balance, Yoga
Low back stiffness can occur for many reasons, but it is often because we spend so much time sitting. If you are a desk junkie, here are three ways to improve stiffness in your lower back. These movements can be performed a couple of times throughout the day, perhaps...
Health, Self-care, Start Here, Work Life Balance
Menopause Tips Why 51 Tips? There are 51 menopause tips as 51 is the average age of the menopause! The menopause happens to every women, we don’t know when exactly, but it’s usually when you are too young and too busy to deal with it! The menopause is more...
introvert, Self-care, Work Life Balance
Is your self-care to do list stressing you out? I set myself a deadline for complete the paperwork for my Yoga Teacher Training. It was more work than I thought and instead of extending the deadline, I worked harder, to the point where I stopped regular self-care...
Musings, Work Life Balance
This blog started as a quarterly, then as birthday musings and finally an end of year blog. This perfectly sums up the last 6 months for me. It has been a funny old year; it has not been a bad one. The last 6 month in particular since the August eclipse have had such...