If you are looking for some inspiration for daily self-care habits for Wise Women here is a wee list!

As we get older, looking after ourselves can feel like a full time job.
However simple, quick daily habits can take us a long way in helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Habits can be for our physical bodies but also for our minds, spirit and soul.

Some inspiration for daily self-care habits for Wise Women!
10 minutes in Corpse Pose
Acknowledge your progress at the end of each day, you did your best
Always be early
Avoid blue screens for at least one hour before bedtime
Avoid using plastic for food storage and cooking
Be more patient with other people and yourself
Carry crystals to help raise your vibrations
Colour in
Conscious carbs to balance energy of exercise
Create white space in diary
Dance it out
Day dream
Deliberate overnight fast with start and end times
Digital Declutter – emails, Social Media, blogs
Don’t take things personally
Drink 8 glass of water
Drink green tea
Dry skin brushing
Eat 5 portions of fruit & vegetables
Eat a portion of cruciferous vegetables to help balance hormones
Floss every night
Get 8 hours of sleep or more
Give food time to digest
Go to bed at same time each night and get up at same time in morning
Graciously give compliments
Graciously receive compliments. ‘Thank you’
Grooming: skin, nails, hair the extra wee touches
Grounding, cut cords and shielding
Keep a finger food diary
Keep a food diary
Let your inner child out to play
Mono tasking to eat – stop when you are full rather than when your plate is empty
Morning pages
Move for 2 mins every hour
Occupational hazards – stretching to balance out your days work
Plan your food each day
Perfect Posture
Postural stretches
Put your phone down when having a real-life conversation
Quiet Time
Read food labels – calculate HEC
Read food labels – check ingredients list and calories per serving
Read more books
Reduce television/Social Media
Say “thank you for…’ rather than ‘I’m sorry I ….’
Self-healing practice (Reiki)
Sing your heart out
Smile. Especially if you don’t feel like it. It will lift your mood!
Spend time outdoors
Stand tall
Sun salutation
Take an hour for your lunch
Use your phone/tablet for a deliberate purpose rather than ‘just looking’
Visualisation how well your day will go
Visualisation how you have time for everything you need to do
Walk 10,000 steps a day
Walk like a tourist – take in and notice the beauty in the world around you
Wash your hands for longer (sing the Happy Birthday song twice)
Whatever renews you and puts a spring in your step and twinkle in your eye

Feeling inspired? Why not join the 28 Day Self-care Challenge for Wise Women. It’s part of the Wise Women Wellbeing Academy
Helping you to create healthier habits!

Samantha Valand is the founder of Wise Women Wellbeing Academy.

A comprehensive hub of resources on hormone balancing, healthy eating and exercising in your menopausal years and beyond.