My Favourite Books in 2017

My Favourite Books in 2017

I love reading; it is one of my favourite pastimes along with learning! Below is a list of the favourite books that I read in 2017. They are in no particular order and a mix of fiction and non-fiction. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth...

Preparing for Yoga Teaching Training

Preparing for Yoga Teaching Training

My Yoga Teacher Training course is coming up soon. I have spent a decade attending fitness courses and I do love planning and getting organised for them!

Never Say Never

Never Say Never

In the last decade of teaching Pilates I have always said that I would never teach Yoga. So, you won’t be surprised from the title when I say I have booked into a Hatha yoga course! Why now? I have been researching ageing well for the last year and discovered the...

Menopause meh

Menopause meh

Meh is a menopause symptom that is not often talked about.

It would not be classed depression but a lack of oomph and love of life. What can you do about it?

Practice Makes Perfect?

Practice Makes Perfect?

Practice only makes perfect if you are practicing perfectly! Is any exercise better than none, even if you are doing it wrong?

Young at Heart

Young at Heart

Find out how young your heart is and what exercise and activities you can do to keep it as healthy & young as possible. Your heart health may be impacted by menopause as well as any hereditary issues so it is worthwhile to be proactive and minimise any risks.

Lunch Hour?

Lunch Hour?

When I started working over 25 years ago, (eek) a lunch hour was not only an hour, but was respected by team members. No one interrupted you unless it was a real emergency. Fast forward to today and lunch hours are quite different. It is not often an hour....



Working in the fitness industry has made me curious about why some people give up & why some people show up day in & out. Grit by Angela Duckworth is an interesting read.

Hello, this blog is to help you to ‘work out how to workout’ in your fifties.

If I can help you please get in touch and we can chat about how you improve your fitness post-menopause.

You can read my blog here,  sign up for my newsletter here and take a Post menopause Fitness quiz here. All designed to help you fall in love with exercise again after the menopause

Take care of yourself,
