Why I don’t set new year resolutions anymore

January is a time of possibilities.
January is a big month in the fitness industry. Social Media and your mailbox is probably full of offers and possibilities. Online programmes on topics and areas that you had no idea were available. I don’t want to react, I want to respond to the offer that will be best for me and that comes with waiting and considering
Janus energy
Blogs are full of reviews of 2023 and plans for 2024. I love reading them, but they can also be overwhelming.

December into January
I’ve noticed that I find December a struggle the last few years. There is a saying in Scotland that ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, you’re just wearing the wrong clothes’. But Scotland, like many other countries has had a change in weather. I love walking in the rain as you can take fabulous photos. But sideways rain that you can’t get a brolly up, is not fun. My living room where I normally do Pilates and Yin yoga has been too cold first thing to exercise in first thing in the morning. Which is a change for me to be cold as I normally run hot.
January is a reset and I find easier to exercise again. However, many things change in the new year such as class time tables in the gym and general life things which affect exercise.

Energetically, December is an earth energies (Capricorn) and speaks more the practicalities of exercising. Whereas the later part of January is not just an air energy, it’s Aquarius air energy which is known for being a free thinker. Perhaps a better time to think about the year ahead.
I find January more of a time to pause and settle into my routine before creating new plans.

Different Energy Portals to use instead are:
• When sun sign changes from earth and practicalities to air and ideas (around 22nd Jan). Which gives you time to settle into the new year. Your new routine and take stock of where to place your attention before you take deliberate action.
• There is a Chinese new year in Feb, this year is the Wood Dragon
• Perhaps the spring equinox in March would be a better time for you.

Have you changed how you set goals over the years?

Samantha Valand is a Pilates teacher, Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer. Who helps women fall in love with exercising again after the menopause. You can find some inspiration over on the blog  Samatha has a free newsletter  and a fun way to sign up is through my 'Elements of Exercise | Post menopause Quiz' which help you figure out what type of fitness focus to set next using Elements of Exercise framework