Hello and welcome to Wellbeing Alchemy!

Thank you for taking the quiz. I hope you found it useful!

A massive part of doing things differently post-menopause is checking in with how you feel regulary.

Your reaction to the quiz results were as important as the quiz results!

I hope it helps you to figure out what the best exercise goals are for you to start with.

We often know where we are heading but it’s easy to lose track of the starting point!


You have signed up to my newsletter as part of the quiz. You can find out more about that here

If you haven’t received please check your junk mail. You can unsubscribe at any time there is a link at the bottome of each email.

The newsletter are designed to help you take small actionable steps every month, but also noticing when you don’t!

Mind-body connection comes from what you are not doing as well as what you are doing!

I hope you find it useful.

Ask Me Anything V5.0

Got a question about exercising in your fifties post menopause?

Ask me a question here and I’ll answer it (anonymously) on my YouTube channel.

What's on this month

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121 Coaching

Thinking you may need a wee bit of help? My 60 mins 121 sessions can help whether you are after a sounding board, some advice or some help with figuring out your exercise priorities.

Samantha Valand is a Pilates teacher, Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer. Who helps over fifties women fall in love with exercising again after the menopause. You can find some inspiration over on the blog If you are interested how coaching can help you can start here. Samatha has a free monthly newsletter to help you live healthy ever after