Why is Pilates Good For You?
What is Pilates good for? There is more to Pilates than just abs exercises, it improves your posture, balance, flexibility as well as strengthen your core
3 ways to improve your Downward Dog
This is one of my favorite poses in yoga.Mainly because it is so versatile. It is a deep stretch up the backline of the body and can also be used to strengthen to your upper body.
Is it time to take your menopause seriously?
The menopause is a phase, and that phase has many phases within. Some you will breeze through barely noticing and others will feel like walking thru mud with wellies on. The truth is we are all busy women, and we often don’t have a lot of time for looking after...
Why is it so hard to lose weight over 40?
Once upon a time, you were able to skip lunch for a few days and easily fit into your Friday night dress. Why is it so hard now? Getting older has many perks and we definitely need to refresh how we look after ourselves to age well.
3 Ways to Improve Low Back Stiffness
Low back stiffness can occur for many reasons, but it is often because we spend so much time sitting. If you are a desk junkie, here are three simple ways to improve stiffness in your lower back.
51 Tips for a Healthy Happy Menopause
Menopause Tips Why 51 Tips? There are 51 menopause tips as 51 is the average age of the menopause! The menopause happens to every women, we don't know when exactly, but it's usually when you are too young and too busy to deal with it! The menopause is more than hot...
How to Keep a Food Diary in your Menopausal Years
You’re a busy lady, me too, it’s easy to keep a tally in our heads of what and how we have been eating. However, if the pounds are sneaking on and not coming off taking the time to keep a food diary is one of the simplest and cheapest methods to help you lose weight.
How To Practice Self-care With Work Deadlines
Is your self-care to do list stressing you out. Does working to deadlines mean your self-care is ditched in order to tick your list? Here are some simple practical ideas for you to try, so you can continue to look after yourself and also tick your list.
End Of Year Reflections
This blog started as a quarterly, then as birthday musings and finally an end of year blog. This perfectly sums up the last 6 months for me. It has been a funny old year; it has not been a bad one. The last 6 month in particular since the August eclipse have had such...

Hello, this blog is to help you to ‘work out how to workout’ in your fifties.
If I can help you please get in touch and we can chat about how you improve your fitness post-menopause.
You can read my blog here, sign up for my newsletter here and take a Post menopause Fitness quiz here. All designed to help you fall in love with exercise again after the menopause
Take care of yourself,