Post Holiday Menopausal Blues

Post Holiday Menopausal Blues

I have noticed when I return from holidays and breaks from routines I am a wee bit wider. I have named this 'Post holiday menopausal blues!' Last time it was around my thighs. You can read my blog about it here. This time was around my bra and waistline too. Like most...

New Year, New You? No Thanks.

New Year, New You? No Thanks.

I am a lifelong learner and believe personal development and growth is important. However, it always feels quite forced this time of year. "New Year, New You" always implies there is something wrong with the old you! The reality is, we are always polishing away any...

How To Manage Portion Control

How To Manage Portion Control

Balancing enjoying food & watching your waistline is challenging in your menopausal years. Managing your portion size is a massive part of this process.

4 Ways To Improve Your Posture

4 Ways To Improve Your Posture

When we combine sitting for long periods of time with using technology we often do not have the posture we want. People often attend Pilates classes for this, but it is also helpful to do a little everyday to help counteract our lifestyles. 1.Relax your shoulders. It...

Quarterly Nov 2016

Quarterly Nov 2016

October was a big month for me as I finished and published my first book. As with any deadline, something's gotta give, and my Tuesday and Thursday workouts were parked in order to finish. In retrospect, I do not think I could/would have done it differently. However,...

Can I Help You?

Can I Help You?

Nothing makes a women cringe more than being asked if she needs help. Whilst many of us get a lot of pleasure from other helping people, we often think we are ‘bothering’ people we ask for help or accept it when it is offered.

Hello, this blog is to help you to ‘work out how to workout’ in your fifties.

If I can help you please get in touch and we can chat about how you improve your fitness post-menopause.

You can read my blog here,  sign up for my newsletter here and take a Post menopause Fitness quiz here. All designed to help you fall in love with exercise again after the menopause

Take care of yourself,
