Perfect Posture
Everyday life has a big impact on our posture. One of the simplest daily self-care habits you can develop is an awareness of your posture doing different tasks throughout the day. When you are standing waiting in a queue. When you are working. When you on using your...
Daily Self-care Habits
If you are looking for some inspiration for daily self-care habits for Wise Women here is a wee list! As we get older, looking after ourselves can feel like a full time job. However simple, quick daily habits can take us a long way in helping to maintain a healthy...
When You HAVE To Change
Change has been on my mind as it has popped up a few times for me recently where I have had to change because of circumstances out with my control. I think it worth looking at how you react around change as it gives us a good heads up around the changes the menopause...
Carbs And The Menopause
You can become more sensitive to carbs and stress in your menopausal years. Which easily leads to an expending waistline which is hard to reduce. What can you do about it?
Quarterly May 2017
Last quarter was all about learning with three mini courses. This quarter is all about letting that information percolate and sink in. I have also been working on, online course structure and wrote about that here You may have read on my previous blogs about...
Unhurried Unhurried is a word my Yoga teacher uses which sums up where I'm trying to get to just now! I am at the tail end of a summer cold. I can't remember the last time I had one, but it has been fairly stubborn and lot's of rest has been required and taking life a...
Self-care As A Business Metric
You will regularly review your work performance, this does not tell you how your work affects your wellbeing. Measuring your self care and work life balance
Healthy Eating In Hotels
Healthy eating when staying in hotels can be a challenge, here are some healthy tips to stay healthy and only indulge when you want to, not by accident!
Exercising For Health And Ageing Well
Most of us have grown up with the ‘no pain no gain’ mantra and exercising as only a means to manage our weight and to burn calories. As we get older, our thoughts turn to our health and ageing well. Exercise can play a big part in this but it means changing exercise...

Hello, this blog is to help you to ‘work out how to workout’ in your fifties.
If I can help you please get in touch and we can chat about how you improve your fitness post-menopause.
You can read my blog here, sign up for my newsletter here and take a Post menopause Fitness quiz here. All designed to help you fall in love with exercise again after the menopause
Take care of yourself,