The menopause can be a challenging time, and you can often feel like you have lost your ‘happy place’!

Getting to know about the menopause and your menopause can help dramatically improve the quality of your life.

I have gathered together a starting point for you; with just a few blogs on the menopause, food, exercise, balancing hormones and basic self-care to help get you started.

Essentially, it’s taking a step back from an ‘eat less, exercise more’ approach and being into tap back into what your body wants and needs at this time. But also looking ahead to the future and having a ‘healthy for life’ approach.

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My newsletter goes out monthly with hints and tips on keeping active and staying healthy during the menopause and healthy ever after

ME-Hormonal Carbohydrates

ME-Hormonal Carbohydrates

The Hormonal Carbohydrates calculation is from Metabolic Effect and is a simple way to calculate how carbohydrate dense a product is. We are aiming for as close to zero as you can get, but we all have our own ideal figure which we can only determine through trial and...

Period Tracker

Period Tracker

Let's start with an overview of a 'normal' menstrual cycle: Your menstrual cycle averages 28 days. The 4 weeks are split in the middle by day 14 which is when you ovulate. Day 1 is when your period starts. The first two weeks are called the follicular phase The second...