3,650,000 Steps A Year
You are probably quite familiar with the guideline to walk 10,000 steps a day. What isn’t quite as well known is that this adds up to 3,650,000 steps a year Last year I walked 3,135,749 steps. Which sounds a lot and it is, but it was also down on the last few years...
Getting Your Steps in When You Work From Home
Getting your steps in when you work from home, changes when the season changes. 10,000 steps is general guidance, but you may do more or less depending on your circumstances My walking priority after October is sunshine. I live in Scotland and we have short days over...
Plantar Fasciitis and Menopause
Many women complain of Plantar Fasciitis during the menopause. There isn’t a lot of medical evidence as to why it happens apart from the catch all ‘lowering estrogen levels’ Which is a bit frustrating so let’s look at the non-medical ways as how you can avoid Plantar...