What changes can Summer time bring to your workouts?

What changes can Summer time bring to your workouts?

What changes can Summertime bring to your workouts? Summertime brings in a natural opportunity to create changes in your workouts. There is always a dance between repetition and novelty in when you are working out. Both are required in the right amounts for progress....
3 Ways to Improve Your Balance

3 Ways to Improve Your Balance

Balance work becomes important as you get older in the context of falls prevention i.e. the better you are at balance work will reduce the likelihood of falling and breaking a bone. Bone health is one of the aspects of fitness that is potentially impacted by the...
3 Ways to Improve Your Quad Stretch

3 Ways to Improve Your Quad Stretch

Your quads are the big group of muscles at the front of your legs and they can often get tight from sitting a lot. If your quads are tight, you may notice it around your knee joint which is one end of the muscle group. The other end is your hips so they are a good all...
Organising Your Online Workout Videos Journal

Organising Your Online Workout Videos Journal

Spend your time working out, not searching the web for the one video you want but can’t remember its name! Organising your online videos is a new thing  that has come out of the vast amount of fitness videos that are available to us online. When you are working...