Chips Or Salad?
When travelling chips or salad are often the staple side options Most people think salad is being good and being bad is having chips. Is this always the case?
I’m Too Busy To Count Calories
At some point you may have decided if you eat healthy natural foods rather than junk foods you should not put on weight! Perhaps because it can be time consuming to count calories but not all foods are created equal even healthy ones!
Fitbit Tracker Review Part 2
I have been using a health watch called Fitbit Charge for almost 10 months. I bought it as I was interested in tracking my daily steps and sleep monitoring. You can read my initial thoughts on it !here It syncs easily to my iPad using Bluetooth and a WiFi connection....
Fitbit Tracker Review Part 1
I recently bought myself a Fitbit Charge which is an activity and sleep tracker. I have been researching for a few months and was thinking about waiting for Apple’s watch, but my technical advisor (aka my husband) advised waiting for the next generation of the Apple...
Exercise Is…..
We all know exercise is good for us. However if your response to ‘Exercise is ….’ was not a positive statement then I have a few things for you to think about for it to be a bit more enjoyable.
Is swimming good for you during the menopause? Like many things, doing things that you know are good for you can be hard to fit in and learn to enjoy!
Marathons And Menopause
You choose to run a marathon and also choose when to run it! Every woman knows about the menopause but it’s always a surprise when it happens.
Why Diets Fail
Maintaining a healthy weight is about making healthy food choices with an abundance mind set of there is so much food available I’m not missing out. To maintain a healthy weight I can’t eat all of it so I make educated choices whilst still enjoying food
This Habit Will Help You Lose Weight
You’re a busy lady, me too, it’s easy to keep a tally in our heads of what and how we have been eating. However, if the pounds are sneaking on and not coming off taking the time to keep a food diary is one of the simplest and cheapest methods to lose weight. Tips on...
Hello, this blog is to help you to ‘work out how to workout’ in your fifties.
If I can help you please get in touch and we can chat about how you improve your fitness post-menopause.
You can read my blog here, sign up for my newsletter here and take a Post menopause Fitness quiz here. All designed to help you fall in love with exercise again after the menopause
Take care of yourself,