Do You Set The Same Goals Every New Year?
Most of us will take last year’s wellbeing goal, dust it off and roll it out for next year. Telling ourselves that this year will be different and will be the where all our dreams come true. We have missed out one important step though – reviewing why we did not...
8 simple steps from frazzled flyer to fabulous flyer
When does your holiday start? Mine starts in the taxi on the way to the airport. A decade ago it would have been when I arrived at my destination but nowadays I include the travelling as part of the holiday. I have found it takes the stresses out of travelling that...
Stuff I Still Struggle With
“Eat less, exercise more” I have been studying health & the menopause for a number of years now. I know that “Eat less, exercise more” does not work for most women in their late 40s due to hormonal imbalances. Yet any time I feel my jeans a bit tighter this old...
Post Holiday Resolutions 2015
I always think summer holidays are a better time to review and reflect on the past year and make new resolutions compared to New Years. We are usually soo busy getting ready for Christmas we don’t have a lot of time to think about how we would like to next year to...
Post Holiday Resolutions 2014
Holidays are often time for reflection and thinking of changes you would like to make to improve your general wellbeing. I’m no different! During my two weeks summer holiday in France I had the following list: 1. Learn to speak French before the next holiday 2. Learn...
Does Carrot Cake Count As One Of Your Five A Day?
Yes I’m teasing, we all know carrot cake comes under the treat section rather than healthy even if they do include a vegetable! It is often difficult to find healthy meals when you are eating out. I’m sure we have all picked something from the menu that we thought was...
Love Your Heart!
Some of our goals can be challenging to complete, others are challenging in the manner of tracking them. Blood pressure falls into the later. It is one of our Goldilocks goals where we don’t want it to be too high and we don’t want it to be low either. It has to be...
Well Hello Broccoli
Eating cruciferous vegetables is one of those small simple proactive changes I made that I really wasn’t sure if made much difference. I have studied food and the menopause and it always came up, so of course I adapted my diet to include it.
How To Declutter Your Brain
We all have such busy lives it’s hard to sometimes relax when your head is full of stuff that needs to be done.It is easy to be constantly connected to work and the internet it can be hard to unwind and relax.

Hello, this blog is to help you to ‘work out how to workout’ in your fifties.
If I can help you please get in touch and we can chat about how you improve your fitness post-menopause.
You can read my blog here, sign up for my newsletter here and take a Post menopause Fitness quiz here. All designed to help you fall in love with exercise again after the menopause
Take care of yourself,