Will Curl Ups Flatten My Stomach?
An expanding midriff is the bane of menopausal women’s life & is usually very stubborn to shift. Are curl ups the best exercise to flatten your stomach?
Just For You!
When was the last time you did something ‘just for you’? The more we look after others & take on responsibility the more we need to look after ourselves.
Salt And The Menopause
Salt And The Menopause Salt makes our food taste better, but too much of it is bad for our health. Monitoring our salt intake is one of the simplest things we can do to be healthy, especially during the menopause. We are aiming for a maximum of 6 grams per day. There...
3 Things To Pop On Your Desk Every Morning
Most of us spend a third of our day at our desk. In our pursuit of healthy living, we often need to take the mountain to Muhammad rather than the other way around. I have 3 things to pop onto your desk every day: Timer I use a timer for two reasons. The first is to...
How to start a new exercise programme in your menopausal years
If your thoughts have turned to exercising more when you are menopausal, perhaps your midriff has expanded, and because you are thinking about ageing well. Being active plays a huge role in ageing well. A different approach is required as your lowering hormones can...
6 Things To Do When You Are Feeling Rubbish
The menopause has many symptoms but we can often just feel rubbish – and yes, that is a technical term! We can feel uncomfortable in our bodies; due to menopausal symptoms that are unpleasant, perhaps not the shape we want to be in or fitness levels we want, or just...
Is Stress Always A Bad Thing?
We rarely read anything positive about stress. In the fitness industry, stress is also where growth happens. To become fitter we have push ourselves a little harder, adding either a bit more intensity or length to cardio session. Muscle gets stronger when we lift a...
Quarterly Jan 2017
I am a lifelong learner, which comes in handy as running my own business requires knowledge of a wide range of topics covering business, professional (health and fitness in my case) and personal development. This quarter I attended day courses for all three area is...
How long does the menopause last?
We do not choose when the menopause starts, it is often when we feel way to young for it. Knowing how long the menopause lasts helps with strategies for a healthy life.

Hello, this blog is to help you to ‘work out how to workout’ in your fifties.
If I can help you please get in touch and we can chat about how you improve your fitness post-menopause.
You can read my blog here, sign up for my newsletter here and take a Post menopause Fitness quiz here. All designed to help you fall in love with exercise again after the menopause
Take care of yourself,