Spend your time working out, not searching the web for the one video you want but can’t remember its name!
Organising your online videos is a new thing that has come out of the vast amount of fitness videos that are available to us online. When you are working out in your own home

This journal came about when I started to spend more time searching for videos than I did working out! The elusive ‘one with ….’, that was always the last one I looked at! Exercise video names are not always memorable online.
I also noticed with some videos that I did regularly, that I swapped exercises, I needed to remember particular kit or there was a long intro and I could squeeze in an extra stretch.
It was then that I realised that I needed to start writing it down. When I couldn’t find a journal online that fit the bill, I created my own! I created it for me, but thought I couldn’t be the only person who was finding exercise video management a challenge.
This journal provides a fast & simple way to organise your online workout videos.
You can instantly find the workout video you want, rather than endless scrolling try to find the ‘perfect’ one for today.
What do you get?
Your journal has space for 60 workout videos. With space for you to personalise each work out so you get the most out of it:
- what do you love about this video?
- what kit do you need?
- Is it your morning kick start, evening cooldown, for when you are energetic or feeling meh,
- what exercises do you tweak because there is a long intro, or your back doesn’t like it,
- give it your own RPE rating (rate of perceived exertion)
There is a ‘Don’t Forget’ section where you can personalise what you need for each different type of workout. This is instead of a gym bag or yoga kit, having a list of all the things you need so you are not spending your precious time, rummaging around looking for a hair band or a yoga block before you start!
The index system is really simple and has space for:
- groupings of videos, such as morning workouts, yoga, core etc
- grouping by time so if you have a quick 15 minutes you know exactly what workout videos you can do
There is a tracker at the end, because I have a tendency to find a workout video I enjoy and keep doing it! but as you know variety is key for workouts too.
I have added a section so you can keep top of mind any stretches to do in a particular alignment. So I will always do quad stretches in side lying. I have been adding in various things to focus on each alignment when there is a long into to help with joint tlc and I get older!
Brain fog can be a real disrupter to your exercise routine. So I will do anything I can to help write things down to help remind me and it also takes the pressure off. I use this journal myself every week and it has really helped me to join the dots with how I exercise in my fifties
You can buy this journal here and I would love to hear if you find it useful!
Samantha Valand is a Pilates teacher, Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer. Who helps women fall in love with exercising again after the menopause. You can find some inspiration over on the blog Samatha has a free newsletter and a fun way to sign up is through my 'Elements of Exercise | Post menopause Quiz' which help you figure out what type of fitness focus to set next using Elements of Exercise framework