How often you replace your trainers is typically measured by milage and impact. Running is considered high impact compared to walking and will therefore have a shorter lifespan. It is a wide range of between 300 – 500 miles.
Which means a wee bit of math to determine how long it takes to:
- run 300 miles and/or
- walk 500 miles
or whatever feels sensible for you.
Using my Fitness Tracker, I can see that last year I walked 1,360 miles, averaging 3.72 a day. As I have 2 pairs of trainers on the go at the same time. Then I essentially need two pairs trainers a year for walking.
Other considerations
- It is also worthwhile to check the soles of your trainers to check for any asymmetric wear.
- Personally, I note if my older trainers are really comfy, then it’s usually time for them to be replaced. As that generally means support has decreased.
- An increase of aches and pains can also mean that your trainers are past their best
Why is this important post menopause?
When you start exercising again in your fifties you may notice your body recovers from exercise at a different pace to before the menopause. Previously, your body may have tolerated wearing trainers that were not optimal. But it may mean more injuries and niggles in your fifties. So, I think it is worth investing in the best footwear for exercising that you can afford. My man math is that if I scrimp on trainers then spending £70 visiting a physiotherapist as well as the recovery time from injuries from ill fitting trainers, is not money or time well spent. Also, as I have had Planta Fasciitis during the menopause, the last thing I want is a recurring episode, as it is debilitating?
What has been your experience with your exercise trainers and replacing them. A worthwhile investment or just not on your radar?
FYI, many shops also have bins where you can recycle your old trainers
The lifespan of your trainers is typically measured by milage and impact. It is worthwhile personalising what that means for your personally to ensure you have the best trainers that you can.
Samantha Valand is a Pilates teacher, Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer. Who helps over fifties women fall in love with exercising again after the menopause. You can find some inspiration over on the blog If you are interested how coaching can help you can start here. Samatha has a free monthly newsletter to help you live healthy ever after