Getting to know about the menopause and your menopause can help dramatically improve the quality of your life.
I have gathered together a starting point for you; with just a few blogs on the menopause, food, exercise, balancing hormones and basic self-care to help get you started.
Essentially, it’s taking a step back from an ‘eat less, exercise more’ approach and being into tap back into what your body wants and needs at this time. But also looking ahead to the future and having a ‘healthy for life’ approach.

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My newsletter goes out monthly with hints and tips on keeping active and staying healthy during the menopause and healthy ever after

Fitbit Tracker Review Part 2
I have been using a health watch called Fitbit Charge for almost 10 months. I bought it as I was interested in tracking my daily steps and sleep monitoring. You can read my initial thoughts on it !here It syncs easily to my iPad using Bluetooth and a WiFi connection....
Fitbit Tracker Review Part 1
I recently bought myself a Fitbit Charge which is an activity and sleep tracker. I have been researching for a few months and was thinking about waiting for Apple’s watch, but my technical advisor (aka my husband) advised waiting for the next generation of the Apple...
Exercise Is…..
We all know exercise is good for us. However if your response to ‘Exercise is ….’ was not a positive statement then I have a few things for you to think about for it to be a bit more enjoyable.