Getting to know about the menopause and your menopause can help dramatically improve the quality of your life.
I have gathered together a starting point for you; with just a few blogs on the menopause, food, exercise, balancing hormones and basic self-care to help get you started.
Essentially, it’s taking a step back from an ‘eat less, exercise more’ approach and being into tap back into what your body wants and needs at this time. But also looking ahead to the future and having a ‘healthy for life’ approach.

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My newsletter goes out monthly with hints and tips on keeping active and staying healthy during the menopause and healthy ever after

Post Holiday Resolutions 2015
I always think summer holidays are a better time to review and reflect on the past year and make new resolutions compared to New Years. We are usually soo busy getting ready for Christmas we don’t have a lot of time to think about how we would like to next year to...
Post Holiday Resolutions 2014
Holidays are often time for reflection and thinking of changes you would like to make to improve your general wellbeing. I’m no different! During my two weeks summer holiday in France I had the following list: 1. Learn to speak French before the next holiday 2. Learn...
Does Carrot Cake Count As One Of Your Five A Day?
Yes I’m teasing, we all know carrot cake comes under the treat section rather than healthy even if they do include a vegetable! It is often difficult to find healthy meals when you are eating out. I’m sure we have all picked something from the menu that we thought was...