The menopause can be a challenging time, and you can often feel like you have lost your ‘happy place’!

Getting to know about the menopause and your menopause can help dramatically improve the quality of your life.

I have gathered together a starting point for you; with just a few blogs on the menopause, food, exercise, balancing hormones and basic self-care to help get you started.

Essentially, it’s taking a step back from an ‘eat less, exercise more’ approach and being into tap back into what your body wants and needs at this time. But also looking ahead to the future and having a ‘healthy for life’ approach.

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My newsletter goes out monthly with hints and tips on keeping active and staying healthy during the menopause and healthy ever after

Carbs And The Menopause

Carbs And The Menopause

You can become more sensitive to carbs and stress in your menopausal years. Which easily leads to an expending waistline which is hard to reduce. What can you do about it?

Quarterly May 2017

Quarterly May 2017

Last quarter was all about learning with three mini courses. This quarter is all about letting that information percolate and sink in. I have also been working on, online course structure and wrote about that here You may have read on my previous blogs about...



Unhurried Unhurried is a word my Yoga teacher uses which sums up where I'm trying to get to just now! I am at the tail end of a summer cold. I can't remember the last time I had one, but it has been fairly stubborn and lot's of rest has been required and taking life a...