It may surprise you to read that exercise guidelines are for 18-69 adults. We do not have any specific advice for exercising through the menopause or immediately after. The guidelines are fairly generic from county to country, in the UK it’s generally:

Cardiovascular Exercise for Heart Health
This is time and intensity based. Aiming for either:

  • 150 mins per week of low to moderate intensity exercise or
  • 150 mins split 75/75 between moderate-high/low-moderate intensity exercise

Muscle Strength and Endurance
Building and maintaining muscle strength by

  • Weight Training 2-3 times per week and/or
  • Weight bearing exercise

Balance Work

  • Improving and maintaining balance 2 times per week

Reducing Sedentary Time

  • Moving for 2 mins every hour is thought to help balancing out sitting for extended periods, that many of us do while working


How do your workouts compare to the above? Do you feel you are on track or need to make some adjustements 

Samantha Valand is a Pilates teacher, Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer. Who helps over fifties women fall in love with exercising again after the menopause. You can find some inspiration over on the blog  If you are interested how coaching can help you can start here. Samatha has a free monthly newsletter to help you live healthy ever after