Your relationship with exercising has changed throughout your menopause. Things you loved and found easy to do slowly became hard work and a chore. Now you are looking at exercise again with fresh eyes and a new start. You are ready to fall in love with exercise again after the menopause, but that has turned out to be a bit harder than you thought.

  • Finding the time to exercise is a challenge
  • Getting to the gym or a class is harder than you remember
  • It’s mentally harder to get to a class or a session when you are not as fit or strong as you used to be
  • You are out of the habit of wearing, washing, and repacking your gym kit
  • You forget to book into your classes online
  • Your favourite teacher has moved on
  • Your favourite class has changed time

You are not the only thing that has changed during your menopause

You discover you are rediscovering
You know you need to do it differently but that’s a bit harder to put into practice

My advice is simple but you may not like it.
Start with what you enjoy
If you don’t know what you enjoy, start experimenting to find out what that is for you
Exercising post menopause is not a linear process so enjoy the journey for now!
When you are fitter and stronger do it differently, but for now have some fun!

Samantha Valand is a Pilates teacher, Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer. Who helps women fall in love with exercising again after the menopause. You can find some inspiration over on the blog  Samatha has a free newsletter  and a fun way to sign up is through my 'Elements of Exercise | Post menopause Quiz' which help you figure out what type of fitness focus to set next using Elements of Exercise framework