You may have seen Battle Ropes in your gym and wondered how they would fit into your workout. Battle Ropes are for your cardiovascular (cardio) fitness and can be deceptively hard work. Starting to exercise again in your fifties may be very different to before the menopause, Battle Ropes may be an new and welcome addition to your workout.


Like any new piece of exercise kit, it’s worthwhile getting an instructor to talk you through the best ways to use, and give advice that is customised to you. Once you have been shown the best technique, form and tips for you. You can be often start using Battle Ropes without supervision fairly quickly.



Arms only Cardio

Its upper body cardio that isn’t weight bearing. So, if your wrists are niggly, it’s a great way to strengthen and use your arms and shoulders while not weight bearing on your wrists



Low Impact Cardio

Battle Ropes are non-impact cardio. Most of the time, you will probably be in a static squat position where there is no impact or movement in your legs or feet. This is a great option for when you have had an injury or need an alternative way of building up cardio stamina in a different way to your usual workouts


Circuit – Building Stamina with intensity

If you enjoy circuits, Battle Ropes are a great exercise to wee burst of intensity to keep your heart rate up. They offer variety to your cardio workout, and circuits are a great way to build stamina. Battle Ropes can be high intensity, so building into a circuit is good starting point


Grip Strength

Gripping the Battle ropes, can improve grip strength in hands and forearms. It’s an area that can be neglected, and is an added bonus to training with Battle ropes


Top Takeaways

  • Battle Ropes are a great addition to your workouts, particularly if you are looking for a non-impact, arms only cardio option.
  • They will help to build cardio fitness and stamina.
  • They can improve your grip strength

Samantha Valand is a Pilates teacher, Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer. Who helps over fifties women fall in love with exercising again after the menopause. You can find some inspiration over on the blog  If you are interested how coaching can help you can start here. Samatha has a free monthly newsletter to help you live healthy ever after