How Often Should I Replace My Trainers?
How often you replace your trainers is typically measured by milage and impact
7 Reasons December is a Great Month to Restart Your Fitness Journey
Why December is a Great Month To Restart Your Fitness Journey
My Favourite 3 Exercise Timers
Exercise timers are great for ensuring you are spending the correct amount of time on a stretch or exercise.
Probably the Hardest Exercise in the World
Probably the Hardest Exercise in the World
3 Reasons to add Vibration Training with a Power Plate
Reasons to add Vibration Training with a Power Plate to your Exercise Routine – Fifties Fitness
Body Mass Index (BMI) Plus
What is your Body Mass Index and why would you use it?
Fifties Exercise Guidelines
It may surprise you to read that exercise guidelines are for 18-69 adults.
What changes can Summer time bring to your workouts?
What changes can Summertime bring to your workouts?
3 Ways Battle Ropes can Improve Your Fifties Fitness
You may have seen Battle Ropes in your gym and wondered how they would fit into your workout.

Hello, this blog is to help you to ‘work out how to workout’ in your fifties.
If I can help you please get in touch and we can chat about how you improve your fitness post-menopause.
You can read my blog here, sign up for my newsletter here and take a Post menopause Fitness quiz here. All designed to help you fall in love with exercise again after the menopause
Take care of yourself,